The Power BI Service
Now we get to the good stuff that’s going to move you from an ordinary person who just produces reports to someone whose reports people in your organization come from far and wide to see. The Power BI service, the online SaaS solution, allows users to share their reports from Power BI Desktop with other users in their organization. Everyone has access to their own workspace for free. But you cannot share things from your personal workspace. To share reports with other users, you’ll create a workspace and invite other users to that workspace. To be eligible to be invited to a workspace, a user must have a Power BI Pro License, or your organization must be using Power BI Premium Dedicated Capacity to share reports with users who do not have Power BI Pro Licenses. The Power BI service lets other end users explore reports you’ve created to get insights from your work. This exploration can take the form of dashboards of curated visuals you put together. Or it can be access to a report you’ve created with all its pages. Or it can even be the ability to ask natural language questions using the Q&A feature to get insights from the data. Power BI service also includes several other features, such as the ability to create special objects known as Dataflows. These dataflows can be used to get information in the Power BI service outside of a database, while allowing end users to access that data and combine it with other data inside of a Power BI Desktop model. Developers can manage Deployment Pipelines for workspaces in the Power BI service, which lets you create and manage the Development, Test, and Production workspaces. Deployment Pipelines enable ongoing development work on Power BI Projects, without impacting the user experience for items already being used by end users. A new feature in Power BI service gives users the ability to create goals. The goals are tracked using data in the Power BI service. Information on the goals can then be shared with appropriate users for quick actionable insight. In sum, the Power BI service is the critical glue that makes Power BI different from, say, simply sharing an Excel workbook around the office. It creates a shared space where people can see the same insights securely, while inviting them to explore shared data elements that can be curated for meeting the specific needs of each end user.
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