Power of Social Media: Top Digital Marketing Courses in Pune
What is Social Media Marketing, Seven Myths of SMM, Characteristics of Successful Social Media Marketer, Social Media Marketing Plan, Social Media Marketing Tools, Publishing Blogs, Podcast and Webinars, Social Media Monitoring, Social Media: Facebook, Twitter. Digital marketing course in Pune cover a wide range of topics, ensuring that participants develop a well-rounded understanding of the digital marketing ecosystem.
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing, or SMM, is a form of internet marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks to achieve your marketing and branding goals.
Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and and other content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising.
➢ The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.
➢ One of the key components of SMM is social media optimization (SMO). Like search
engine optimization (SEO), SMO is a strategy for drawing new and unique visitors to a
website. SMO can be done two ways: adding social media links to content, such
as RSS feeds and sharing buttons - or promoting activity through social media by
updating statuses or tweets, or blog posts.
➢ SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential customers)
while making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of social media
give customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and feel they are
being heard. This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship management
(social CRM).
➢ SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites such
as Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In response, the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) has updated its rules to include SMM. If a company or its advertising
agency provides a blogger or other online commenter with free products or other
incentives to generate positive buzz for a product, the online comments will be treated
legally as endorsements. Both the blogger and the company will be held responsible for
ensuring that the incentives are clearly and conspicuously disclosed and that the
blogger's posts contain no misleading or unsubstantiated statements and otherwise
complies with the FTC's rules concerning unfair or deceptive advertising.
Social media marketing (SMM) refers to techniques that target social networks and applications to spread brand awareness or promote particular products. Social media marketing campaigns and digital marketing courses in Pune cover a wide range of topics, ensuring that participants develop a well-rounded understanding of the digital marketing ecosystem.
usually center around:
• Establishing a social media presence on major platforms
• Creating shareable content and advertorials
• Cultivating customer feedback throughout the campaign through surveys and contests
Social media marketing is perceived as a more targeted type of advertising and is therefore believed to be very effective in creating brand awareness.
Myths about Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing has become one of the pillars of a successful digital marketing strategy and one that every business needs in order to maximize online visibility. It is understandable that not everyone is social media savvy right out the box, and for most, a lot of learning and training is necessary in order to successfully DIY their business’ social media efforts. The good news is that should you need a bit of a crash course in social media, you can team up with a social media consultant to help you learn the ropes. There are also hundreds of informative articles and how-tos online that you can use as references. No matter which route you go however, it’s always important to know and understand what social media can and cannot do for your business so that you can manage your expectations and establish achievable Objectives. The social media myths that we’ll be discussing today are actually quite common. There are lots
of people who believe that these illusions are achievable and they expect their digital marketing agency to deliver these ridiculous goals. Let’s get these out of the way. Reputable institutions offer specialized Digital Marketing Courses in Pune, and also visit Career Fortune for a digital marketing course.
1. Myth One: Just build it and the money will follow
Simply creating social media accounts is not enough to fulfill meaningful marketing
objectives. Facebook pages and Twitter accounts don’t just gain followers and fans
simply by existing. You need to put in the work to promote your social media accounts
and publish content that will retain and gain the right audience.
2. Myth Two: It’s all about the numbers
It’s a common misconception that the more people following your social media accounts
the better your yields will be. The reality is that even if you have millions of followers on
every social media platform, if none of them become loyal, paying customers, then
what’s the use of having them there? Quality over quantity should be your mantra.
3. Myth Three: Social media management is a day job
Do your fans and followers follow a 9 to 5 schedule when browsing their social media
accounts? Nope. A follower may leave super damaging feedback on your page at 6 in the evening and if you wait until the following morning to address their concern, it may be too late. Timely interaction and engagement with your followers will help in creating a
meaningful environment for your audience to linger in. Using scheduling tools and alerts
will help you manage your social media accounts efficiently. Here are five tools that we
highly recommend.
4. Myth Four: You need to be on every social media platform there is
A lot of social media DIY-ers make this mistake. They believe that they need to be
visible on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, SnapChat, and 10 other
platforms because that’s what successful social media is all about. Wrong. You don’t
have to be on every platform, just on platforms that your target audience uses most
frequently. You need to be smart and efficient about your time and resources and doing
social media marketing on platforms that won’t yield prime results will just be a waste of
5. Myth Five: Publish the same type of content to get more views.
If you use effective analytics tools like Cyfe and Buffer, you’ll be able to get an insight
on the type of content that gets the most engagement and activity. A lot of people
mistakenly think that they should publish the same type of content over and over again to replicate these results. Big no-no. Instead of sharing the same article and links day in and day out, add some variety to your content strategy. Give your followers a good reason to check your pages everyday.
6. Myth Six: When it comes to content, quantity over quality is always.
Let me start off by saying no. It may be tempting to share scores of articles, links, photos and videos per day but there is a fine line between sharing content and spamming Cleverly space out your publishing schedule, and don’t overdo it. Take the time to sift through your content and select the best and most relevant ones to share on your pages.
7. Myth Seven: Delete negative feedback as soon as they are posted.
While it is understandable why business owners would want to delete negative feedback about their products or services, doing so can open a can of worms and ruin your reputation more than the original feedback can. Instead, use these as an opportunity to provide excellent customer service by providing a clear plan of action on how their
complaints will be fixed and addressed. Engage with your customers and others will see
that you’ll be taking care of their needs should they decide to patronize you.
8. Myth Eight: You’ll get instant results with social media.
Actually, if you look at almost all types of digital marketing solutions, you won’t find
any type that will get you instant results. That’s just the nature of digital marketing and
it’s the same for social media. It takes time for you to gain the visibility that would pave
the way for your goals to be achieved (e.g. getting x number of likes, an article being
shared x number of times). As long as you’re hitting your desired metrics within a
reasonable period of time, you should stay your course and continue in executing your
social media strategy. This is where Digital marketing course in Pune come into play, offering aspiring professionals and businesses the opportunity to gain invaluable insights and practical skills.
9. Myth Nine: Social media is for hard promotion.
While it’s true that social media provides a great promotional avenue for your business,
keep in mind that it may not be what your audience wants to see. You need to strike a
balance between engaging your audience with relevant content and fun interactions and
getting your name out there.
10. Myth Ten: Social media performance can’t be measured.
There are plenty of tools out there – both free and premium – that can help you track your social media performance. As long as you first establish your social media objectives, it will be easy for you to determine whether you are hitting your marks. Some tools even give you insights on how to improve your social media strategy. Choosing the best tools for the job can give you invaluable information.
Characteristics of a Successful Social Media Marketer:
Social media can be a fun and effective way to reach your customers on a more personal level. Social media networks are a mode of social interaction. It is a platform of sharing and discussing information among human beings. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts and other multimedia communication elements. Social media sites are nothing but a group of special and user-friendly websites.
Social Media Marketing is a very broad term. It is a technique of building a business using various social media networks. For instance, videos and blogs that give exposure to your to your company.
When someone talks about social media marketing people often think that they may be talking about Facebook and Twitter. But social media networks also offer effective marketing tools that can bring more traffic to your website and improve your online popularity. Social media marketing has many characteristics. To attain a good marketing strategy, you need to have a look at the following SMM characteristics.
➢ Participation
Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone. Social media
includes the delivery of ideas at the time of online conversation. It tries to bridge the gap
between companies and audiences. With all the new channels of social media, people are enjoying this process of participation.
➢ Openness
Social media success requires honesty, transparency and authenticity. You should
maintain a trustworthy relationship with your customers in your SMM (social media
marketing) strategy. One fake or negative comment can destroy your online reputation.
➢ Build relationships
Social media is a two-way communication channel. It requires participation from both
companies and customers. As a business owner, it is very important to make good
connections with your target audience. Online conversations through various social media tools happen in real-time with real people. You get a chance to interact with your target audience and you can answer to their queries. Answering to their queries is a good way to build relationships with customers. Reputable institutions offer specialized Digital Marketing Courses in Pune.
➢ Reliability
To make your profile reliable, you need to consistently show your online presence.
Effective social media marketer visits their targeted sites regularly. They also get
involved with new users and promote their products. They talk to their target audience on a regular basis.
➢ Build communities
Social media sites allow you to build communities quickly, this helps you communicate
more effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favorite TV show. These communities help you to know about your
target audience. You can also support other communities that you think are good for
your business.
➢ Customer service
It is very essential to take care of your customers. Social media networks are all about
helping each other. It’s about providing value to your customers, not just promotion.
➢ Avoid spamming
Don’t give importance only to promoting your links. Also, share insightful content about
your company. Do not send the same message to your community again and again, it
works as spam and it may irritate your customers