How do search engines work?
Although search engines are basically just navigators of the internet, it would be impossible to imagine the internet without them. Due to the sheer size and depth of the World Wide Web, this very wealth of information becomes meaningless or unusable without search engines. Search engines basically perform three tasks:
1) They search the World Wide Web using specific words or phrases.
2) They index the results they find and their locations.
3) They provide user access to this index and the ability to search it using combinations of words or phrases of their choosing. Today search engines perform up to ten million queries every given day and are constantly in a process of evolving and reinventing their services to balance the needs of websites, users, and advertisers. It all starts with something called spiders (also called crawlers) and how appropriate,having in mind that the internet is called the World Wide Web. Spiders are inter-bots or robots composed of software or coding. Just like real spiders, internet spiders do something called web crawling or just crawling,to make huge lists of what is found where on the internet. Crawling is the act of browsing, indexing and copying done by spiders. They start with a heavily used server or popular website (a busy part of the web) and crawl their way outwards to every link found on that website or server, behaving pretty much like real spiders in the way they spread. Interesting fact: Google started out with just four spiders who would read 600 kilobytes per second, a laughable figure for today. This shows us how much the World Wide Web has grown. Although Google was the first to come up with spiders, their use has spread across the search engine community and the quest to make newer, faster and more creative spiders is always on. Spiders perform indexing of everything they ‘read’, using, among other things, something called metatags which are the descriptions of the keywords or phrases under which the website owner would like his or her website to be indexed. They help the spiders understand what the page is about and where it belongs in an index. Webmasters might use words or descriptions in the metatags which are inaccurate or reference popular topics and keywords that their site 20 might not deal with. To protect against this, spiders are designed to correlate the metatags with the content found on the website and come up with their own understanding of where the page belongs on an index.
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