Future-Proof Your Career: Pay After Placement Courses in Pune Online Ads Mastery


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Simply put, online advertising is advertising on the Internet. Online advertising encompasses advertisements on search engine results pages, advertisements placed in e-mails, and other ways in which advertisers use the Internet.And in pune reputable institutions offer pay after placements courses in pune

▪ Whether online or off, the main objective of advertising is to increase sales. Advertising also aims to increase brand awareness. Advertising is based on the simple economics of supply and demand. Advertisers aim to stimulate a consumer need and then satisfy that need.

▪ One of the greatest benefits of online display advertising is that the messages are not

restricted by geography or time.

▪ Online advertisements are also much more interactive than offline advertising. While

both online and offline advertising can be disruptive, interactive online advertising can

be designed to be perceived as less so.

▪ Online display advertising began as simple hyperlinked images shown on a Web site and has since progressed to include video, sound, and many other modern technologies. Today, messages and interactions can be contained within the advertising display without ever taking consumers to a landing page.

▪ Although the Internet provides new scope for creative approaches to advertising, we see its true advantage when we realize how trackable, and therefore measurable, Internet advertising is. Or, to take it from Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, “The Internet will

transform advertising because of its trackability, not its beauty.”

History -

Online advertising rapidly followed the developing Internet. And, as consumers are increasingly spending more time online, and hours spent on the Internet start to eclipse hours spent watching television, the medium becomes increasingly important to any advertiser. According to Wikipedia, the first clickable banner advertisement was sold to a law firm in 1993 by Global Network Navigator. HotWired, an early Web magazine, was the first to sell advertising space in large quantities to a number of advertisers. One of the very first advertisers was AT&T (a U.S. telecom company), which went online in October 1994.

This was part of a campaign that AT&T was running to promote the Internet to consumers, and included television and outdoor advertising. Believe it or not, but this was cutting edge back in 1994! As Web technology has developed, so has the technology that is used to create and serve advertising online.

Definition of Online Advertising:

Online advertising is a marketing strategy that involves the use of the Internet as a medium to obtain website traffic and target and deliver marketing messages to the right customers. Online advertising is geared toward defining markets through unique and useful applications. Since the early 1990s there has been an exponential increase in the growth of online advertising, which has evolved into a standard for small and large organizations. Online advertising is also known as Internet advertising.

A major advantage of online advertising is the quick promotion of product information without geographical boundary limits. A major challenge is the evolving field of interactive advertising, which poses new challenges for online advertisers.

and reputable institutions offer pay after placements courses in pune ,Online advertisements are purchased through one of the following common vehicles:

Cost per Thousand (CPM): Advertisers pay when their messages are exposed to

specific audiences.

Cost per Click (CPC): Advertisers pay every time a user clicks on their ads.

Cost per Action (CPA): Advertisers only pay when a specific action (generally a

purchase) is performed.

Examples of online advertising include banner ads, search engine results pages, social

networking ads, email spam, online classified ads, pop-ups, contextual ads and spyware.

Objectives of Advertising:

Understand when best to use online advertising. Advertising, whether online or offline, has a number of objectives:

1. Building Brand Awareness: Making people aware of a brand or product is an important long-term goal for any marketer. Once customers know about the brand, the marketer has taken the first step toward gaining the customer’s trust and patronage. The better known a brand is, the more business they can do. And the ultimate goal is to do more business and sell more of the product. Online, creative advertising or banner advertising is largely visual, making it an ideal channel for promoting brand collateral.

2. Creating Consumer Demand Consumers can’t want what they don’t know about.

Advertising needs to convince consumers about what they should want and why they

should want it. Modern online advertising provides a great way to communicate the USPs (unique selling points) of a product, thereby helping stimulate demand.

3. Satisfying Consumer Demand: Once the consumer is aware of and desires a product, they need to find out how to satisfy that desire. If brand building has been effective, they will know that a particular brand exists. At this point, it is important for the marketer to show the consumer how their particular brand or product will best meet that


4. Driving Response and Sales: All forms of online marketing need to drive traffic and

sales in the long term. However, the immediacy of online advertising also drives traffic

and sales in the short and medium terms. Unlike traditional media advertising, online

advertising can turn the potential customer into an actual customer right there and then.

What’s more, it is possible to measure accurately how effectively the online advertising

campaign does this.

5. The Key Differentiator: Online advertising is able to drive instant sales and

conversions. Unlike offline advertising mediums, the consumer can go from

advertisement to merchant in one easy click.This is where pay-after-placement courses in Pune come into play, Because of the connected nature of the

Internet, online activities are highly trackable and measurable, which makes it possible to target advertisements and to accurately track and gauge the effectiveness of the

advertising. Each display advertisement can be tracked for success.

6. Introducing a New Product to the Market: Online advertising is an important strategy when a new product or brand is launched, however this should often be after the launch of an online public relations campaign which includes press releases, blogs, news sites and other tactics to gain wide media coverage. Advertising before the launch of an online PR is not advisable because it loses its newsworthiness and media outlets are unlikely to accept it. Some online channels to use to announce your new product are display ads on networks like the Google Display Network (GDN), Search advertising, organic search, email marketing and others.

7. Explain how a Product Works: Advertising can help to explain the uses of a product

and in what setting it is to be used. It’s often easier with video advertising which can

include animation, motion, text, graphics and many other elements. It is also effective at

showing the product in use and even talking heads are great for explaining how it works.

8. Reduce Buyer Fear: Video advertising is also helpful here after a purchase to reduce fear that the customer has bought the wrong product and to explain how they can use it. Buyer remorse is a major problem especially for high-ticket items that require a high financial outlay, so it’s important to allay their fears and convince them that they have made the right purchase.

9. Build Company Image: Many online channels are effective at building a company’s

image but social media is one of the best and using advertising tools on sites like

Facebook you can reach out to new, existing and non-existent customers. This is about

raising brand awareness and reinforcing the company’s image at all touchpoints with the target market. Social media is helpful because the company can interact with followers and build a relationship outside of its own portals.

10. Build Brand Preference: There are many brands in the online space that are vying for customers’ attention and it’s important to highlight brand attributes and values and create a competitive advantage for your brand. Using advertising vehicles like PPC advertising, display advertising, social media paid advertising and others, your brand can promote its unique online value proposition and increase click through rate, conversions and brand recall.

11. Inform Market of an Offer: If you have a sales promotion and want to inform the

market through online advertising, you can use text and display ads on search and display platforms. So you can include a money-off offer, a coupon or voucher, category discount and many others and these are effective at boosting CTRs for ads and also conversions.

12. Encourage Switching to Your Brand: Comparative advertising is common online

especially on PPC platforms like Google Adwords. So, you can bid on competitor brand

names and then display ads that highlight your unique offers and how your products have a competitive advantage. Of course many competitors will be doing the same so it’s important that you bid on your own brand names too.

13. Maintain Top Of Mind Awareness: Remarketing is an online advertising vehicle that works well for a wide range of brands and companies that want to raise brand awareness, increase sales or leads, increase brand recall and be top of mind. Google Adwords, Analytics and Facebook provide remarketing features and resources to target people that are aware of your brand and then bring them back to your website and purchase from

your business.

14. Remind Buyer of the Product or Brand: This marketing objective is similar to top of mind awareness and using remarketing and pay per click advertising; it is possible to

effectively remind target customers of your products or brands. The benefit is that it is

affordable and you only pay for clicks to your website, unlike traditional advertising

vehicles were you pay even if there is no customer interaction or response.

Where to Advertise?

Advertising can be expensive – and way out of your budget if you’re just starting out as a freelancer or small business. But with some clever thought, there are a few ways you can promote your enterprise for free in your local area.

Different ways to advertise your business:

Here are 10 simple ideas for promoting your freelance services or small business for free in your local area (and beyond).

1) Make sure your website adds value

Whether you’re targeting local or global customers, your website should clearly explain

what you do, be easy to find and navigate, and be attractive. An article in E

consultancy suggests that you should look at the following things when building or

rebuilding your website:

➢ How goal-focused it is.

➢ The quality of your content.

➢ How easy your website is to use by its intended target audiences.

➢ How well it projects and communicates your brand identity.

➢ How search engine optimized (SEO) it is.

➢ Social media channel usage and integration.

➢ Mobile internet users.

2) Make blogging a high priority

It’s important to add a blog to your website because it increases your chances of being

noticed, and helps with your SEO as you can use your keywords and phrases in your blog posts. Websites get crawled quite regularly so it’s always important to have new, quality content.

3) Distribute a press release once a month

It’s important to keep in touch with your local newspaper and submit press releases which have the potential opportunity to get you in print for free. These could be about anything from taking on new staff to winning a new client – it doesn’t have to be big news, just something to let local businesses know you are there.This is where pay-after-placement courses in Pune come into play, offering aspiring professionals and businesses the opportunity to gain invaluable insights and practical skills.

If you build relationships with editors and journalists this will help ensure that your press

release is read and hopefully published. As will our quick, 30-second guide to writing a

powerful press release!

4) Use email marketing software to help increase sales

This method is fast, effective, immediate and easy to design. You can also track and

understand exactly how your email marketing software is growing your business and see how individual customers respond so you can increase sales over time.

To get full value from your email marketing, ensure that you update and grow your database regularly, and try to get people to opt-in by signing up on your website. There are many self-service email platforms available (such as MailChimp), or you may decide to get help from a specialist agency.

5) Start using videos to market your business

YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, so it makes sense to create a YouTube Channel and leverage proven video marketing tactics, like ‘how-to’ style video content and response videos, to improve search visibility and potentially drive leads.

One idea is to make individual video interviews on local news-makers in your niche using Skype. Once you’ve recorded the video, to maximize its benefit:

➢ Post it on YouTube.

➢ Embed the YouTube code on your website.

➢ Transcribe the video with a cheap tool.

➢ Post the transcribed content on your blog for search engines to find.

➢ Or you could host an online seminar and share it on your website and via social

media networks – a perfect opportunity to gain exposure.